Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Anxiety, Stress, Worry, and a Cure

When my first marriage broke up, my children were very young. My daughter was six years old and my son was only four years. Trying to be fair to all interested parties and do the right thing for my children in this very painful time for me. Among other things, I began to realize that I would not be able to give their children education, I wanted to give. In many ways, it was out of control and it was very busy at that time.
However, somewhere along the way, I realized that I really did my best, and it's time to mentally let go of trying to influence the situation. Yes, it was true that my kids were going to get a different life than the one I wanted for them, but it was not a bad life. They were going to be properly secured and there was absolutely no point in me continuing to worry about the situation anymore.
So I decided to do something that I have since repeated in other cases, as and when necessary, because it was a very powerful technique to release emotional pain. This was not what I had read about. It was something I just decided to do. We were going to visit the coast, that I always love it and I decided I was going to write in the sand, in very large letters, that I was worried about that, you know, had no children.
I told myself beforehand that, as a wave came and washed away to write that I also intend to allow them to wash away all the worry that I had in mind. I was determined to leave related to mental anxiety right there on the beach. So this is exactly what I did. I wrote in big letters, only two words, "Kids," and then sat for a while, watching the waves came and washed away taking with him letters of all the stress I was feeling.
The next day, the beach was very clear and it was just my mind. He was completely free from the anxiety that had previously attended, and I never worried about such thoughts. The process allowed me to fully come to terms with the situation. Years later, when I was going through a difficult time in my work, I did the same thing again and it worked well for me. This allowed me to release worry associated with this situation too.
For this process to work for you, I think you should be ready to release anxiety. You may think that there would be no reason that you would not be ready, but I think that there may be deep psychological reasons that we sometimes want to keep for your trouble. It was probably a time when we are still actively looking for solutions or wondering about how best to respond to the situation.
However, if you come to a place where you are ready to stop worry about something, I would put it a little exercise for you. Take yourself off to the beach. It's always beautiful and inspiring place to be, especially in the buy valium online. Write about everything that bothers you in the sand and say to yourself that you're going to let it go forever. Then look at yourself as the waves, their work is a small miracle.

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