Monday, December 27, 2010

Energy Healing for Depression

This is my simplified definition of depression: a state of feeling "bad" all or almost all the time. This experience of being in a very low vibration, uncomfortable energy that gives little or no relief.
At the top levels of our being our own, we all quantum energy. Subtle energies that are invisible to the eye (most people) vibrate within us and around us. Depression is very uncomfortable energy state to exist in. It is so clumsily, as it contradicts the truth of who we are and who God created us to be. God created us to be able to joy. We are literally wired for joy.
The good news about depression, it's not who you really are. Your depression is not your identity: this is your experience. It's an energy, an experience that took over your life. Since this is not your identity, you can change it. Nevertheless, it may require doing some work and clean energy limiting beliefs, how conscious and subconscious to allow you to feel better.
Subconscious limiting beliefs held within your being to feed the negative energy you feel. Your conscious negative thoughts continue to feed this negative energy. Most people suffering from depression tend to have negative thinking. They suggest that, if they feel bad, they must be bad.
You can always choose what thoughts you want. Even if you're processing some uncomfortable negative energy, you can always think positive thoughts. Appropriate when a lot of emotions come to say to himself: "I clean this negative energy. This is not to serve me try this in my life."
Thoughts create, so anything that you believe you will experience. Since energy follows thought, create thoughts, wellness and healing energy you create, which will be used to your being.
I have worked with many clients who have ulterior motives or the need for their depression. We need our sorrows when we think that keeps us safe from the fear of something. Depression becomes a good friend who is always there when you need it. It sticks to us and keeps us safe from the unexpected risks in the world.
If you have been depressed for a long time, your body is now convinced that the feeling of depression is that it seems to be alive. Without depression, your body may think it is going to die. With the help of your mind and your faith, you can retrain your body to operate at a higher frequency of energy, so that he could once again know yourself in light and truth.
Consider the possibility that the origin of most of your depression is associated with your birth. If your mother had anxiety, depression, worries or concerns during pregnancy, you get all that energy in the early formation of their own. Most people go so far to carry and tries to handle their birth energy. If you have a complicated pregnancy or delivery, did you get from the start with some big negatives that were imprinted in your psyche.
From personal experience and from working with hundreds of clients, I came to the conclusion that there is a generational pattern of depression for most people. You can track the depression back in my family line for several generations. I think most people who deal with the painful experience of life play a role in the healing of his generation and breaking of family models. If your great-grandmother never spoke to her negative emotions, and they have never been cleaned, that the energy and information was sent to you in the genetics of your family. You can clear your body holds on a cellular level so you can heal yourself and clear picture of depression, from his family.
The process to clear generations of depression:
Imagine yourself standing in the light of a higher power (Jesus Christ, the angels of God or the Spirit). Ask her generation, who lived before entering into the light. Imagine all the people in the world with you. Ask your higher self of depression you have experienced how this generation and how much their own. You will get two numbers equal to 100 percent. For most people, generations per cent more than 50 percent, while their part is less than 50 percent. Typically, 70-30 or 80-20. Tell your forefathers you choose to clean up the model of the family.
Draw a trash can on a notebook. Place the structure of depression with all the negative beliefs and emotions that you experienced with it, in the trash. When it's all in the trash can, trash can enlarge the picture as big as you can imagine. Look at it as an observer and say: "It's just energy. I'm not in the frame. I am the one looking at the picture."
Now create a blowtorch in your mind, set your picture in the fire and watch it burn to ashes. Take the ashes and spread them on the ground. See the beautiful flowers growing by the return of the ashes of life-giving energy to you and your ancestors. Imagine every cell in your body is filled with life-giving energy. What is this? Imagine your ancestors cheering for you and congratulate you on your choice to clean up this scheme.
You can heal. I believe that everything that we contested in our lives, God has given us the mechanism within us to heal him. There is literally the foundation for the healing took place in your DNA, which has all the information your mind and body must heal. I believe that we have created illness to teach us the power we need to exist in difficult conditions and to turn us into a higher power to ask for help.
Calling for Christ energy, and energy healing heaven activates forces which lie dormant in us. How do you put your attention on the light and truth, light and truth awakens in you. Do not wait until you feel better to think twice. Your mind is more powerful than your emotions and your mind can raise the vibration of your emotional state, how do you remove the lies and illusions you carry the truth and call the person God created you to be. You can create anything you want with your life.
I believe in God does not leave us here to live in a state of despair or die in this state. I believe that it is guaranteed to our ability to achieve success, giving us with everything we need to create success. For most people, depression is familiar. Feeling good is not. Often we choose what is familiar over what feels good, because we know how to exist there and buy diazepam generic valium.
We live in a time on the planet when it becomes increasingly difficult to remain depressed. This will require more work to be depressed than to treat it. The real problem for us, as people no longer "How long can you suffer?" This "How much joy we can keep and how long can we keep him?" Consider the possibility that you have chosen and created their own experience depression just to see yourself overcome. As big as you know depression is as big as you can now know joy. Choose to become one of the wonders of God and the clear and heal what no longer serves you. God bless you, I know what you can do it.

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